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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2012 year, number 1

Definition of effective coefficients of thermal conductivity in spatially reinforced composites on the basis of energy criterion of equivalence

A.P. Yankovsky
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS
Keywords: composites, structural theory, thermal conductivity, overall anisotropy, energy equivalence, upper and lower estimations, comparison with experiment
Pages: 137-148


The models of thermal conductivity in fibrous spatially reinforced medium were developed at overall anisotropy of components; the approach is based on equality between dissipation in equivalent material and  the considered composite. The calculated values of effective coefficients of thermal conductivity for two cases (unidirectional and cross-loaded) composites were compared with experimental data. Agreement between calculated and experimental data is satisfactory. It was demonstrated that developed models give the upper and lower estimates for effective coefficients of thermal conductivity in fibrous compositions.