Investigation of the third heat transfer crisis on a vertical surface
B.P. Avksentyuk1, V.V. Ovchinnikov2
1 Vinnitsa Trade and Economics Institute of Kiev National University of Trade and Economics 2 Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS
Keywords: boiling, heat transfer crisis, evaporation front, subcooling
Pages: 101-107
The process of development of the third heat transfer crisis for vertical orientation of the heating surface was studied experimentally. Experiments were carried out with acetone under the conditions of saturation for the pressures in the working volume from 20 to 28 kPa. In all experiments, the third heat transfer crisis was preceded by propagation of evaporation front along the heating surface. The threshold values of heat flux densities, above which a stable vapor film is formed on the whole heating surface, are lower for vertical orientation of this heating surface than for the horizontal one. Data on the threshold heat flux densities and overheating before boiling-up were obtained. Above these values, formation of evaporation fronts was observed. The range of operation parameters corresponding to formation of the sites of unstable film boiling on the heating surface after boiling-up was determined.