On dimensionless parameters for generalization pressure head and flow rate characteristics of centrifugal disk pumps
I.E. Naumov, YU.M. Prikhodko, V.P. Chekhov, V.P. Fomichev
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS prih@itam.nsc.ru
Keywords: disk pump, friction machine, dimensionless parameters
Pages: 77-82
Experimental study was performed for operation of a centrifugal disk pump at atmospheric air pressure. The dimensionless parameters were developed for generalization of experimental data on flow rate and head of the pump. The method for calculation of a pumping curve and throttling characteristic was offered through use of semiemperical generalization formulas. The method ensures a good accuracy in calculations, which is proved by comparison of calculation and experimental data for the pump tested.