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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2007 year, number 1

Numerical and experimental investigation of burner device for anode gas reburning

P.A. Neobyavlyayushchy1, A.A. Dekterev2, A.A. Gavrilov2, and Yu.I. Storozhev3
1Institute of Computer Modelling SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
3Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, Russia
Pages: 143–151


A complex numerical and experimental investigation of burner devices for a reburning of the anode gas of aluminum production was carried out. The chosen mathematical model of the processes of aerodynamics, heat exchange, and gas burning was identified and adapted on the basis of data of real-scale measurements. Basing on computational experiments the optimization of the design of elements of the system for anode gas detoxication and transport was carried out. A new system was proposed and tested for reburning the anode gases of electrolysis production, which consists of an improved burner device and a dust-sedimenting chamber with a possibility of regulating the amount of gas suction.