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Advanced Search

Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2006 year, number 2

Direct statistical Monte Carlo simulation of the shock-wave structure in dissociating gas

Ye.A. Bondar, S.F. Gimelshein, G.N. Markelov, and M.S. Ivanov
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Pages: 239-256


The applicability of a new model in terms of the description of real gas effects in the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method is analysed. The model is used in a numerical study of the internal structure of the front of a strong shock wave and relaxation zone behind the front for conditions corresponding to spacecraft entry into the Martian atmosphere. The influence of the free-stream parameters on relaxation of various energy modes of molecules in the wave front and in the relaxation region is considered. The effect of chemical reactions on the flow structure is studied. A detailed analysis of flow nonequilibrium is performed at the level of the velocity distribution function and population of rotational and vibrational levels of molecules.