Hot-wire visualization of breakdown to turbulence in complex flows
V.G. Chernoray1, V.V. Kozlov1, L. Loefdahl2, and P.R. Pratt3
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Chalmers University of Technology, Applied Mechanics, Goeteborg, Sweden 3The Queen
Pages: 213-220
The nonlinear stage of breakdown to turbulence is a strongly three-dimensional process and represents a difficult task for experimental studies. Investigation of laminar-turbulent transition in aerospace applications additionally involves a complex base-flow with pressure gradients and secondary velocity components resulting in successive increase of necessary measurements. The developed hot-wire visualization technique offers a possibility for an advanced analysis whilst retaining the advantages of traditional visualization methods and is especially suitable for resolving such complex flows.