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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2011 year, number 1

Carbon Sorbents in Medicine and Proteomics

L. G. Pyanova
Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: carbon sorbents, sorptional medicine, proteomics
Pages: 107-116


Hemosorption (purifying the blood outside an organism) and enterosorption (detoxification of an organism through the gastrointestinal tract) are the most promising methods of the sorptional medicine. As far as the adsorption of toxic substances with different molecular mass and nature is concerned, carbon sorbents are of interest to meet the requirements of medicine. Sorbents of different nature and structure are described. Methods for controlling the adsorption activity of the sorbent are indicated. A particular attention is paid to the development of selective sorbents for using in sorptional medicine and proteomics.