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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2011 year, number 1

Promising Chemisorption Cycles for СО2 Isolation from Flue Gases

A. G. Okunev, A. I. Lysikov
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: flue gases, СО2, chemisorbents, CaO, carbonate cycle, oxygen cycle, greenhouse effect, power engineering
Pages: 99-106


Prospective cyclic hydrocarbon combustion processes those differ by the type of chemisorbent are considered. In the carbonate cycle for СО2 isolation from flue gases a high-temperature solid regenerable СО2 chemisorbent is used. In the oxygen cycle, solid oxygen chemisorbent is used that is restored via contacting with fuel and oxidized when exposed to air. A common feature of such processes consists in solid-state reactions of binding and releasing the products or reactants at different stages of the process. Requirements for chemisorbents are determined concerning cyclic processes. Various factors affecting the efficiency of their use are considered, literature data concerning the efficiency of proposed СО2 concentration cycles are presented.