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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2011 year, number 1

Bifunctional Catalysts in the Hydrogenation Refining Processes

O. V. Klimov
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: preparation of catalysts, hydrorefining, hydrocracking
Pages: 53-60


A new approach is proposed to the preparation of highly active bifunctional catalysts for hydrogenation processes providing an increase in the conversion level of oil refining to produce motor fuels in accordance with contemporary international standards. This approach is based on the preparation of a carrier containing acidic components, as well as on targeted selective synthesizing an active component for the hydrogenolysis and hydrogenation reactions such as Co(Ni)-Mo(W)-S phase. The latter is localized in the structure of the catalyst so that it is available for all the raw material components liable to catalytic transformations. The method of preparation is based on an in-solution synthesis of bimetallic compounds, the precursors of the active component. Within the framework of the approach proposed, highly active catalysts can be prepared, designed for hydrocracking and hydrorefining of various petroleum distillates.