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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2011 year, number 1

Activated Aluminium Oxide: New Aspects of the Formation and Application of the in situ Synthesis of Aluminium Chloride Catalysts for Hydrocarbon Conversion

V. A. Drozdov, A. B. Arbuzov, M. V. Trenikhin, A. V. Lavrenov, M. O. Kazakov, V. A. Likholobov
Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Omsk Scientific Centre,
Keywords: activated aluminium oxide, liquid metal alloy Ga-In, tert-butyl chloride, isobutane, butylenes, alkylation, Auger electron spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, ATR infrared spectra
Pages: 45-52


Using the methods of Auger electron spectroscopy and the transmission electron microscopy, the process of aluminium activation by liquid metal alloy Ga-In was investigated. It was demonstrated that the components of the Ga-In alloy penetrate across the "biographical" aluminium oxide film to spread over the surface of aluminium metal. The activated aluminium interaction with tert-butyl chloride in liquid isobutene was investigated. It was revealed that the interaction takes place in three stages: the formation of aluminium chloride ionic complexes and aluminium chloride, the decomposition of tert-butyl chloride in situ obtained aluminium chloride systems, the formation of stable molecular aluminium chloride complexes with tert-butyl chloride, which complexes block the further interaction between chloroalkanes and activated aluminium. The aluminium chloride complexes obtained were studied for the case of isobutane alkylation by butenes.