Targeted Synthesis of Micromesoporous Carbon-Carbon Composites for Making a New Generation Supported Zinc Acetate Catalyst for Synthesizing Vinyl Acetate
O. N. Baklanova, A. V. Lavrenov, O. A. Knyazheva, G. V. Plaksin, V. A. Likholodov, T. I. Gulyaeva, V. A. Drozdov
Institute of Hydrocarbons Processing, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Omsk State Technical University
Keywords: carbon, furfuryl alcohol, carbon carrier, pyrocarbon, porous texture, micropores
Pages: 17-24
A process of modifying the pore structure of mesoporous carbon carrier Sibunit obtained on the basis of technical carbon (soot) via introducing furfuryl alcohol into carbon at the stage of granulation was studied. An effect of modification conditions on the textural characteristics of the modified Sibunit was estimated. It was demonstrated that the introduction of furfuryl alcohol into technical carbon at the stage of granulation allows additional developing the Sibunit micropore volume up to 0.17-0.26 cm3/g. It was found that the percentage of micropores depends strongly on the degree of carbonization, i. e., on the amount of pyrocarbon deposited. When the carbonization level is higher than 60 %, the effect of the modification becomes negligible, which does not allow generating micropores in a great amount within the material. Basing on these results, a model was developed concerning the structure of modified Sibunit.