Effect of Activated Carbon Preliminary Thermal Treatment on the Adsorption Extraction of Aniline and Phenol
O. V. Belyaeva, T. A. Krasnova, A. V. Anikina
Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry ecolog1528@yandex.ru
Keywords: preliminary heated activated carbon, adsorption, aniline, phenol
Pages: 669-673
An effect was studied concerning the preliminary heating of activated carbon at the temperature of 250 °C on the porosity parameters of the adsorbent and the state of its surface. A comparative analysis was performed for the adsorption extraction of aniline and phenol from aqueous solutions by initial and pre-heated samples of the adsorbent. It was demonstrated that the thermal treatment of activated carbon causes an increase in the adsorption level of aniline and exerts almost no effect on the adsorption of phenol.