Modern Levels of the Accumulation of Polychlorinated Diphenyls in the Objects of the Baikal Natural Territory
A. A. Nikonova, A. G. Gorshkov
Pages: 363-369
Concentrations of polychlorinated diphenyls (PCD) were measured in snow cover (10-520 ng/m2), in the soil (0.3-45 ng/g of dry mass) of Pribaikalia and the southern lakeside, in bottom sediments of Lake Baikal and its tributaries (0.3-3.9 ng/g of dry mass), in Baikalian omul (Coregonus autumnalis migratorious G., 25-41 ng/kg of damp mass). A conclusion concerning the background pollution of the atmosphere of Pribaikalia with PCD at present and the absence of intensive local sources of organic pollutants of this class at this territory is formulated. The concentrations of PCD in soil and bottom sediments remained almost unchanged during the years 1992-2006. The levels of PCD bioaccumulation in Baikalian omul are 3.5-10 times lower than the MPC. Determination of PCD was carried out with the help of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with the intra-laboratory precision of 7-15 %.