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Chemistry for Sustainable Development

2003 year, number 1

Mathematical Modelling of Oscillatory Behaviour during N2O + H2 Reaction over Ir (110)

N. V. Peskov1, M. M. Slinko2, S. A. C. Carabineiro3 and B. E. Nieuwenhuys3


A mathematical model is presented, which simulates the oscillatory behaviour reported for the N2O+H2 reaction over Ir (110) surface. The model describes successfully the very narrow temperature range for the appearance of oscillations and the properties of oscillations including their period and the waveform. The presented model also can simulate the phase shift, between the maxima of H2O and N2 production rates, which has been detected experimentally. It is demonstrated, that this unusual phase shift between production rates of two reaction products is closely connected with the character of lateral interactions in the adlayer.