V. P. Kiryanov, A. V. Kiryanov
Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: built-in angular sensors, systematic error, random error, cross-calibration, laser image generators, test structures, auto-calibration, auto-compensation
The results of testing the effectiveness of using two measurement procedures: self-calibration and auto-compensation are presented. These procedures are used in laser image generators with circular scanning simultaneously to reduce the error in the synthesis structures. It is revealed that, in using such a strategy, it becomes advisable to limit the complexity of the hardware implementation of the self-calibration procedure due to the action of disregarded sources of distortion. To reduce this objectively occurring limit, it is proposed to use an optical-mechanical system configuration in these image generators, similar to what actually occurs when calibrating their angular sensors, as well as continuously monitor and take into account the manifestations of distorting factors whose contributions are unstable over time.