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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2025 year, number 2


I.V. Kokovkin, V.S. Seleznev, V.E. Dezhnev, G.A. Lopatin
Seismological Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Seismic method, monitoring, natural frequencies of structures, structural integrity, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP


Records obtained at seismological stations contain information not only about earthquakes, explosions, but also from various other sources of seismic waves. The sources of such waves can be various buildings and structures that vibrate with their own frequencies. Seismologists can understand the registered wave field, identify the waves from these sources and characterize them. It is possible to implement seismic methods of remote control over changes in the technical condition of various objects. Contemporary hydraulic structures were built a long time ago and aging processes in them lead to destruction of materials and formation of cracks, so these objects require continuous monitoring of their condition. The aim of this work is to investigate the possibility of determining the occurrence of cracks in the body of the dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant by analyzing its natural frequencies depending on the filling and drawdown of the reservoir. For this purpose, we placed a seismic station several kilometers away from the object of study. With the help of this station, as well as with the help of the seismological data obtained at the seismic station “Cheremushki”, located 4.5 km from the HPP, for 20 years, works were carried out to study the possibility of determining the natural frequencies of the dam with high accuracy when they change in time. The possibility of controlling the physical parameters of structures and operation of various units of the HPP for a long period of time was demonstrated. Examples of determination of frequencies of high- and low-quality signals are considered.