Study of Rheological Ice Models Based on Numerical Simulation of Low-Velocity Impact with a Ball Indentor
E. K. Guseva1,2, V. I. Golubev1, V. P. Epifanov2, I. B. Petrov1
1Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia 2Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: rheological ice models, elastoplasticity, numerical simulation, grid-characteristic method
A method for selecting an appropriate ice model and its parameters using numerical simulation is developed. The process of low-velocity impact of a spherical indenter with an ice plate is studied, and numerical calculation data are compared with experimental data. This paper describes well-known rheological models of elastoplasticity with the von Mises and von Mises-Schleicher yield criteria, as well as an elasticity model with a constant-size elastoplastic inclusion. A system of isotropic linear elasticity equations, solved by the grid-characteristic method, is used as the determining system of equations. The effect of the model parameters on the calculated instantaneous velocities and coordinates of the ball is investigated. Criteria for selecting the model characteristics are formulated, and approximations of dependences of these criteria on various parameters are constructed.