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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2024 year, number 4

Decrease in the amplitude of helium II-vapor interface oscillations at addition of monodisperse backfill in a U-shaped channel filled with superfluid helium

Yu.Yu. Puzina, A.P. Kryukov
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"TEXT";s:4:"TEXT";s:76:"National Research University “Moscow Power Energy Institute”, Moscow, Russia";}
Keywords: experiment, superfluid helium, interfacial surface oscillations, channel, monodisperse filling, confined conditions


The paper considers experimental data of superfluid helium dynamics in a U-shaped cylindrical channel filled with a backfill of metal balls. An experimental cell is presented, and the results of study are shown in the form of a time dependence for the position of vapor-liquid interface. The differences between the oscillations in a free channel and in confined conditions are discussed. For a channel with a finely dispersed porous structure, the oscillation amplitude significantly reduces and a stationary state of the interfacial surface is possible.