Controlling the liquid-liquid flow with a magnetic dispersed phase in a T-type microchannel by applying a constant magnetic field
A.V. Kovalev1,2, A.A. Yagodnitsyna1,2, A.V. Bilskiy1
1Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: microchannels, two-phase flows, slug regime, surfactants
The paper investigates the possibility to control the two-phase flow of immiscible liquids with a high viscosity ratio of the carrier and dispersed phases in a T-type microchannel, with the dispersed phase being a ferromagnetic liquid, by means of a constant magnetic field. The effects of separation of slugs and microdrops of a ferrofluid, as well as the controllability of the structure of the parallel flow of immiscible liquids, have been found. The obtained results may be used to design microfluidic systems in order to efficiently sort particles, as well as intensify heat and mass transfer processes.