An improved semi-empirical model of multiphase filtration of oil and water for obtaining functions of relative phase permeability at different temperatures
M.A. Zagorovskiy1,2, S.V. Stepanov1,2, A.B. Shabarov1
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:144:"1Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia 2Tyumen Petroleum Research Center” PJSC of Rosneft Oil Company, Tyumen, Russia";}
Keywords: relative phase permeability, interfacial interaction function, multiphase flow, core, filtration-capacitive properties, high viscosity oil, thermal method for oil recovery
The paper presents an updated physical-mathematical model for a stationary flow of a water-oil flow through the porous space of a rock core (this space is described as an array of capillary clusters). Here we consider an isothermal statement of problem: the temperature is the key parameters for fluid properties and for the value of pressure drop caused by interaction between the fluid phases. The developed model ensures calculating the relative permeability at different temperatures; this approach is based on standard laboratory data for core testing and on experimental data for single-phase filtration of the fluid at different temperatures (or substituted with appropriate formulas). This model was applied for calculating the relative phase permeabilities at different temperatures for the case of weakly-cemented rock formation. This sample was taken from one of Siberian oil fields with a high viscosity oil. The numerical study was conducted on the effect of temperature on the flow pattern in a variable cross-section capillary channel. Simulation was conducted using the OpenFOAM platform. The temperature-caused change in fluid properties alleviates the intensity of a train flow and promotes the transition of the train flow to the droplet flow.