Heat transfer regimes and critical heat flux during spray cooling with subcooled water
I.V. Vladyko1, A.S. Surtaev1,2, N.B. Miskiv1,2, A.V. Mikhailov2, A.D. Nazarov1,2, A.N. Pavlenko2
1Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: spray cooling, critical heat flux, subcooled liquid, infrared thermography
The results of an experimental investigation on heat transfer and critical heat flux during surface cooling with a dispersed flow of deeply subcooled liquid are presented. The study was carried out using a pressure nozzle with a mass flow rate of water of 24.2 g/s. A record critical heat flux of 13.2 MW/m² was achieved in these experiments. The findings indicate that the onset of boiling within the liquid film formed on the impact surface during spray irrigation leads to a notable reduction in the temperature non-uniformity across the heater.