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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2024 year, number 4

Engineering a loop thermosyphon with 3D-printed developed microstructured surface of the evaporator

Yu.V. Lyulin1, M.M. Afonin2, D.G. Firsov2, S.A. Evlashin2, A.V. Dedov1
1National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute", Moscow, Russia
2Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: loop thermosyphon, boiling, condensation, additive technologies, 3D printing, phase transition, heat transfer enhancement


This paper presents the results of development and experiments with a looped thermosyphon with a microstructured heat transfer surface (3D printed) for the case of a flat evaporator and ethanol coolant. The thermal parameters of this device were tested for the temperature in the range from 20 to 128 °С and for the heat flux ranging from 25 to 530 W and for device filling level of 40 ml (100 % of the evaporator volume). It was found that the heat exchanger with pillar-array surface provides the total thermal resistance about 0.18 K/W (corresponding to the top input heat flux equal to 530 W). The developed micropillar array structure for the inner surface of heat exchanger improves the loop thermosyphon efficiency.