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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2024 year, number 4

Saturation line of methane in the renormalization group theory in the range from the triple to the critical point

S.V. Rykov, I.V. Kudryavtseva, V.A. Rykov
ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg
Keywords: average diameter, saturation vapor line, renormalization group theory, saturation density line, methane, Clapeyron-Clausius equation, critical indices


A new model of the phase equilibrium line (PEL) of methane has been developed on the basis of the Clapeyron-Clasius equation and the relations of the renormalization group (RG) theory. In contrast to the known PEL, when describing the density of a saturated liquid ρ+, density ρ- and pressure ρs, of saturated methane vapor, a system of mutually consistent equations (CE) including those describing the saturation density line and saturation vapor line is used. These equations have a number of common parameters: critical indices, critical pressure, critical temperature Tc, critical density, as well as a series of coefficients of the average diameter model, df coefficient D2β, complexes D2β/D 1-α and D2β/Dτ, calculated within the framework of modern RG theory for asymmetric systems. Based on the proposed approach, a methane saturation line has been developed; its average diameter in a wide vicinity of the critical point is described in accordance with the RG theory by the dependence dƒ=Dτ+D1_ατ1_α+Dττ, where τ = (1 - T/Tc). It has been established that dƒ = dƒ(T) within the framework of the proposed approach is a strictly decreasing function of temperature in the range from the triple point to the critical point. It has also been found that the derivative of the vaporization heat with respect to temperature, in accordance with the principles of thermodynamics, has a minimum in the vicinity of the triple point. Within the framework of the proposed PEL model, experimental data on ρ+, ρ-, and ρs published by R. Kleinrahm and W. Wagner in 1986 are provided with standard deviation 0.0011 %, 0.0072 % and 0.0012 %, respectively, that is, with greater accuracy than the international equations of U. Setzmann and W. Wagner derived in 1991.