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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2024 year, number 4

Model for generation the liquid phase zones for volcanic ash melt in the combustion chamber of a turbojet: different flight modes for a mainline aircraft

T.V. Abramchuk1, D.D. Popova1,2, Yu.V. Popova1, A.N. Sazhenkov1
1JSC "ODK-Aviadvigatel", Perm, Russia
2Perm National Research University, Perm, Russia
Keywords: model for liquid phase generation, volcanic ash, volcano eruption and aviation safety, erosive wear, glass transition and vitreous deposits, ash deposit accumulation, loss in the clear opening of engine, clogging the blade’s cooling holes, surge, engine operation mode


The study presents the results of numerical simulation for a process of generating the ash liquid phase zone in the aircraft engine combustion chamber. The simulation was performed for three operation modes: the aircraft enters an ash cloud while cruise flight, the aircraft exits the ash cloud during climb-out; the aircraft exits the cloud during the flight idle mode (recommended by ICAO). This study was conducted for the case of a dual-flow turbojet engine PD-14 (the mainline aircraft MS -21) under the impact from the Sheveluch volcanic ash in the air. Our simulations revealed that there are significant zones inside the PD-14 engine combustion chamber where the gas temperatures are above the meting point for volcanic ash. The high temperatures zones (creating a risk of volcanic ash melting inside the engine) account for over 54 % of the flame tube volume. Additionally, for the nominal flight mode (climb-out), the volume of ash melt zone exceeds 81 % of the total volume, and the flight idle mode provides only 25.3 % of the volume.