A system for predicting the transport of pollutants in the atmosphere for Russian regions
R.Yu. Ignatov1, M.I. Nakhaev2, K.G. Rubinstein2, V.Yu. Tsepelev3, D.S. Shaposhnikov3, D.Yu. Obukhov3, A.V. Rodin3, A.V. Sedov4
1Nuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2Monitoring Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia, Moscow, Russia 3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia 4Big Three, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: simulation of atmospheric pollution, chemical transport model, transfer of accidental emissions, atmospheric model
A system has been created for numerical prediction of concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere and their deposition to the ground using the Chimere chemical transport model, which takes into account emissions from stationary, emergency, and mobile sources. The forecast of meteorological fields was carried out using the regional high-resolution non-hydrostatic atmospheric model WRF-ARW. The system is fully automated, which allows it to be used as a tool for quickly obtaining operational information in the work of situation centers and decision-making centers in the cases of industrial, natural, and man-made emergencies. The results of testing the system showed its operability, the possibility of using it in operational and research work, as well as in scenarios of development of emergency situations anywhere in the country and implementation of measures to assess and eliminate the consequences of accidents. The first results of the calculation of atmospheric pollution with the system are presented. They can be considered as test. To obtain statistically reliable results, it is necessary to have longer series of measurements of atmospheric pollution concentrations and of higher resolution.