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Philosophy of Sciences

2024 year, number 4


Natalia Igorevna Kozhokaru
State Academic University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: information society, digitalization, science communication, post-non-classical science, crowdsourcing


The article recognizes the ever-increasing costs of digital transformation and notes that the role of philosophy and other social sciences is to justify and develop optimal and safe paths of digital transformation. It is emphasized that the information revolution equips scientists working in the field of contemporary natural science with a new super-efficient methodology capable of leading to epochal discoveries in physics, chemistry, biology, geology and medicine. The criteria for defining the concept of “information society” are presented, and the history of the emergence and development of the information society as a stage of post-industrial society is outlined. The definition of digitalization is given, its history is traced, starting from the discovery of counting, the emergence of the numbers 1 and 0 and the work of the founder of digital transformation Pythagoras of Samos; the views of Plato are mentioned, who believed that “the practice of counting” is a perfect example of “awakening thought”. The article presents the events of all five eras of digitalization - from the pre-Internet era to the era of artificial intelligence. The methodological status of digitalization is considered from the point of view of the philosophical theory of knowledge, the stages of development of science are given. It is noted that digital transformation has greatly contributed to the progress of science communication. A brief history and analysis of the current state of science communication are presented. The problem of changing the content of the concept of “scientific subject” is considered, and the emergence of crowdsourcing as part of the paradigm of new open science is noted. The topical issues that digitalization and the information society have posed to contemporary science are formulated.