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Siberian Journal of Forest Science

2024 year, number 6


S. N. Dolmatov, P. G. Kolesnikov, A. I. Perezhilin
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: forest resources, low-quality and damaged wood, pellets, market, competition, logistics and sales, wood composite materials, housing construction, ecology


Krasnoyarsk Krai and Irkutsk Oblast are the leading regions of the Russian Federation in terms of timber harvesting. However, the gross regional product of the forest industry in the region does not exceed 2.5 %. Forest areas of the Siberian Federal District regularly burn and are affected by forest pests. In this case, significant volumes of damaged and low-quality wood are formed. Wood processing adds waste in the form of sawdust, slabs, slats. The policy of uncontrolled growth in harvesting volumes in coniferous forest stands in order to obtain exclusively high-quality round timber has led to the depletion of timber resources, an increase in timber transportation distances, and increased complexity of logistics. A way out of the current negative situation can be a justified focus on deep processing of wood raw materials with the subsequent production of highly marketable products. Global trends in the field of integrated use of wood raw materials make it possible to identify the production of fuel briquettes and pellets as the main vector for processing these resources. A feature of the market for the production and consumption of pellets in the Russian Federation is its exclusively export orientation, the volume of domestic consumption does not exceed 15-20 %. In the current economic and political situation, the Russian Federation has practically lost its usual markets for pellets in Europe. Manufacturers’ focus on South Korea and Japan faces logistics challenges and aggressive competition from Vietnam, Canada and the United States. Under these conditions, a way out of the situation associated with the insufficient involvement of low-quality wood and waste in industrial processing may be the direction of processing in the hope of supplying the building materials market with boards and wood-mineral composites. These products are highly processed products and have predictable internal demand and sales market.