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Siberian Journal of Forest Science

2024 year, number 6


S. A. Sheremetova1,2, E. B. Rot’kina2, M. S. Rakina2, S. N. Vityaz’2
1Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
2Federal State-funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "kuzbass State Agrarian University named after V.N. Poletskov", Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Keywords: woody plants, taxonomic diversity, life forms, floristic areas, adventitious, invasive, rare, alien species, Kemerovo Oblast


The distribution of woody plants of the Kemerovo region according to the scheme of floristic zoning of Kuzbass is given. The characteristic features of forest communities for each floral area are noted. It was found that woody plants in Kuzbass are represented by 173 species, 69 genera and 29 families. The dendroflora of Kuzbass consists of 94.8 % of flowering plants, the share of gymnosperms accounts for 5.2 %. The largest families of woody plants of the Kemerovo region are: Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Ericaceae, Betulaceae, Grossulariaceae, Lamiaceae and largest genera: willows ( Salix L.) and poplar ( Populus L.). Updated data on floristic areas show that the first place in terms of the number of native and introduced species is occupied by the most densely populated area - the Kuznetsk Basin. In second place in terms of the number of species is the Kuznetsky Alatau floristic district with minimal participation of introduced species. In total, 56 alien woody plants were found in the flora of Kuzbass. Of these, there are 19 advent trees, 3 of which are found in all floral areas. Of the 37 cultivated species, 12 are found in all floristic areas. As part of the flora of woody plants of the Kemerovo region, 10 species are included in the «Red Book of Kuzbass» (2021). For the narrow endemic of Kuzbass, Dracocephalum krylovii Lipsky, it is proposed to change the rarity category of the species from 2 to 1. Six species included in the «Black Book of Flora of Siberia» (2016) were noted, indicating the status of invasiveness of each. It is proposed to establish the status of invasiveness for Ulmus laevis Pall. 4 and include it in the list of Black Book Hippophae rhamnoides L. with status 4. According to generally accepted classifications of life forms, it was found that summer-green shrubs and phanerophytes predominate in the composition of the dendroflora of Kuzbass.