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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2024 year, number 11

Simulation of greenhouse gas content in the atmosphere of oil and gas producing areas

M.N. Alekseeva1, D.V. Fedorov2, I.G. Yashchenko2, I.V. Russkikh2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, soot, satellite products, surface air layer, flare installations, dispersion simulation, associated petroleum gas


A comprehensive approach to simulation of the fields of dispersion of pollutants in the surface air layer from flare installations on the territory of the Mamontovskoye field of the Nefteyugansk district of the KhMAO is suggested. It includes the simulation of pollutant concentrations (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and soot) with the use of UPRZA Eco-Center software based on terrestrial data on the content of organic compounds in soils and satellite data (AIRS) on greenhouse gas concentrations. This approach enables comprehensive studies of the state of the natural environment in remote northern oil and gas producing areas on the basis of satellite and ground-based data.