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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2024 year, number 11

Systematization of published research plots representing spectral data related to the carbon dioxide continuum absorption. 2. Publication of 1991-2000

N.A. Lavrent'ev, O.B. Rodimova, A.Z. Fazliev
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: GrafOnto information system, graphical resources of carbon dioxide continuum absorption plots, quantification of the proximity of similar plots, family of similar plots


The article describes part of the collection of plots “Continuous absorption of a carbon dioxide molecule” of the GrafOnto information system (IS) extracted from publications of 1991-2000. The thermodynamic conditions under which measurements and calculations were carried out are given, physical quantities and their dimensions are indicated, as well as the spectral and temperature intervals under study. The progress in solving continuum absorption problems in the specified period of time is briefly described. The expansion of the functionality of the GrafOnto IS is described. The extension addressed the problem of plots in a collection, which can be separated into families of similar plots contained in clusters of plots formed in transparency windows. The selection of families allows you to use not only individual plots in the analysis, but also their sets, the composition of which is determined by spectral or temperature quantities. A family of similar plots has been added to the properties (metadata) of primitive plots. The quantitative assessment of the proximity of plots has been introduced.