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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 6

Practical Results of In-Situ Seismic Testing: A Case-Study of the Karaganda Coal Basin

S. P. Olenyuk, E. N. Khmyrova, O. G. Besimbaeva
Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Keywords: In-situ testing, reflection method, transmitted wave method, seismic location, coal-rock mass, elastic wave sources and receivers, geological information interpretation, planning of mine development


The article discusses in-situ seismic tests carried out during operation in the mines Kazakhstan, Abay and Kuzembaev in the Karaganda Coal Basin for studying and predicting geological faults in coal seams. Seismic testing used the methods of reflection survey, transmitted waves, seismic location, as well as their combinations. The practical results of the in-situ seismic testing in complex geological conditions proved the efficiency of the listed methods, and enabled adjustment of the presence, position and stretch of expectable faults, revealed the absence of unpredictable faults, and detected the zones of change in hypsometry of coal seams, as well as other anomalies.