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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 6

Change in Foamability and Foam Stability of Nonionic Collectors of Slimes in Ultrasound Treatment

A. V. Chernyshev, V. Z. Poilov, I. D. Sen’kina, E. S. Shestakova
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
Keywords: Collector, flotation desliming, ultrasound treatment, unit power, foamability, foam stability, surface tension


Preliminary ultrasound treatment of reagents meant for the flotation of slimes is studied. The study of the influence exerted by the ultrasound treatment applied to water solutions of nonionic collectors for flotation desliming of sylvinite ore focused on the change in characteristics of the generated foams: foam volume and height, foam ratio, moisture content, stability and breakdown rate. It is found that foamability of the solutions, foam ratio and “dryness” increase with the increasing sound power, whereas foam stability drops. The possibility of enhancing foamability and reducing stability of three-phase foams is assessed.