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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 6

Effect of Cyclic Freeze-Thaw on Dynamic Impact Resistance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

K. N. Alekseev, E. V. Zakharov
Institute of Mining of the North, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russia
Keywords: Fiber, basalt fiber, fine-grain concrete, heat-reflecting fiber-reinforced concrete, cyclic freeze-and-thaw, specific energy intensity of failure


It is investigated how the content of basalt fiber with a diameter of 23 µm influences specific energy intensity of failure in concrete D2000 and in light heat-reflecting concrete D1000. The mechanisms of alternating temperature effects on dynamic impact resistance of fiber-reinforced concrete are determined. After 12 cycles (freezing temperature - 50 ± 2 °С), the energy cost of failure in the samples of concrete D2000 at the fiber volume ratio of 2.7% totals 1962 J/m2, which is 3.6 times higher than the energy intensity of failure in the samples of non-reinforced concrete. It is found that concrete with a porous absorbing aggregate made of expanded vermiculite possesses higher dynamic impact resistibility than high-density concrete. The energy intensity of failure was 5038 J/m2 in vermiculite-containing heat-reflecting concrete and 2326 J/m2 in fine-grain concrete D2000. The failure energy intensity in vermiculite-containing non-reinforced concrete after three freeze-thaw cycles drops by 71%, from 5038 to 1473 J/m2. At the fiber volume ratio of 2.4%, the energy intensity of failure in fiber-reinforced concrete decreases by 9%, to 4608 J/m2. These results can help increase the impact resistibility of shotcrete lining, including situations after the adverse effect of cyclic freeze-and-thaw.