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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 6

Physical Simulation of Penetration of V-Shaped Indenter in Rocks in Static and Dynamic Tests

E. N. Sher
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Modeling, wedge indentation, static loading, dynamic loading, rocks, indentation resistance, main crack, calculation verification


The static and dynamic wedge indentation resistance tests involved plexiglass and marble samples. The static tests recorded the indentation resistance force as function of penetration depth. The dynamic tests included a rope gravity drop hammer. The tests focused on the dynamics of penetration of a dropping massive wedge into a plexiglass sample. The indentation resistance was determined using an accelerometer mounted on the wedge. Plexiglass as a model material allowed finding the shape and size of the main cracks generated by wedge indentation. The test data on the wedge indentation resistance and on the main crack size were compared with the theoretical values. The comparison showed a good agreement of theory and static experiments with plexiglass samples. In the dynamic tests, the theoretical indentation resistance appeared to be less than the test values by 25% at the most, at a good agreement between the sizes of the main cracks.