Comparison of MetOp satellite and mobile lidar ozone profiles in Tomsk
A.A. Nevzorov, A.V. Nevzorov, N.S. Kravtsova, O.V. Kharchenko, Ya.O. Romanovskii
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: atmosphere, laser, lidar, lidar sensing, ozone
Trace atmospheric gases (TAGs) are optically active elements of the atmosphere. TAGs have a great influence on atmospheric processes: transformation of solar radiation, weather formation, air pollution by industrial emissions, and propagation of optical waves. Ozone occupies a special place among TAGs. The ozone layer plays the role of natural protection of the planet from short-wave solar radiation. Therefore, monitoring of the ozonosphere by ground-based and satellite instruments allows us to obtain the most reliable data on the state of the atmosphere and, in particular, the ozone layer. The solution of this urgent problem is possible only with permanent improvement of the hardware base and perfection of methodological approaches to scientific research of the atmosphere. In this work, a number of measurements were carried out using a mobile ozone lidar at wavelengths of 299/341 nm in the altitude range 0.1-12 km at the Siberian lidar station (SLS). Vertical ozone profiles retrieved from lidar and meteorological satellite data of the European Space Agency (MetOp) obtained in 2023 were compared. The comparisons showed that the average relative difference between the profiles varies from -65.6% to 15.3% at altitudes from 0.1 km to 12 km. The comparison results confirm good prospects for using these ozone sensing wavelengths in the altitude range 0.1-5 km, previously uncovered by the SLS. The results will be used in modeling the vertical distribution of ozone concentration and in assessing the ecological state of the atmosphere in the Tomsk region.