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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2024 year, number 6

Productivity and carbon sequestration of Pinus sylvestris L. ribbon forests in the dry steppe of Western Siberia according to dendrochronology and MODIS satellite measurements

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
Keywords: carbon sequestration, tree ring width, ribbon pine forests, Scots pine, dry steppe, gross and net primary production, MODIS


Changes in the productivity of Pinus sylvestris L. were analyzed by remote sensing (gross and net primary production/photosynthesis) and dendrochronology (radial trunk growth) methods on two different-aged forest plots of ribbon pine forests in the dry steppe of Western Siberia. For both plots (young reforestation plantings and natural forest) a significant positive trend of primary production volume change over the period 2000-2023 was revealed. Differences in the set of climatic factors limiting stand primary production volume (spring and fall temperature and precipitation) and radial growth of pine were determined (last September temperatures are significant for pine of different ages, the sum of annual precipitation and Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient of the growing season are also significant for young trees, and June temperature is also significant for mature forest). Correlations between the width of annual growth of model trees and primary stand production in June and early July for natural forest and in the second half of June for plantations were established. Calculations of the annual volume of carbon sequestration by trees based on tree-ring and biometric data showed that on average over the last 5 years, pine in the table fraction deposited from 525 g C/year (young plantings) to 565 g C/year (mature trees). The results of calculations of carbon sequestration volumes (for single-age pine plantations) are comparable in absolute terms and correlate with the values of primary stand production obtained remotely.