Study of successions at different structural levels (using the example of post-fire successions in the forests of Sikhote-Alin)
T. A. Komarova
Federal Scientific Center for Biodiversity of Terrestrial Biota of East Asia, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: post-fire successions, structural levels, biogeocenoses, phytocenoses, cenopopulations
Based on the well-known provisions of the general theory of systems, some key issues of successional transformations at the biogeocenotic (ecosystem), phytocenotic, microcenotic and population structural levels are considered on the example of post-fire successions in broad-leaved Korean Pine and dark coniferous Korean Pine forests of Sikhote-Alin. In research at the biogeocenotic level, long-term regime observations of individual environmental factors were used, as well as indicative methods based on the analysis of gradients of leading environmental factors by groups of indicator species, blocks of diagnostic species according to the Brown-Blanke ecological and floristic approach and regional ecological scales. The main attention at the phytocenotic level of the study of successions was paid to the issues of spatial structure, species and cenotypic composition of communities, dynamics of the number and productivity of communities. At the microcenotic level, the issues of transformation of the main elements of the mosaic of phytocenoses (synusions and microcenoses) and their equivalents in biogeocenoses (parcels) are considered. Ontogenetic states and the age structure of cenopopulations were established at the population level.