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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2024 year, number 6

The influence of the introduction of sika deer on the current state of the number and distribution of ungulate mammals in the Ussuriysky Nature Reserve (Russian Far East)

1Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
2Autonomous Non-profit Educational Organization of Higher Education “International Veterinary Academy”, Dzerzhinsky, Russia
3Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: winter route census, track-making activity, abundance, ungulate animals, Ussurisky Nature Reserve


The results of long-term observations are summed up, which made it possible to assess patterns and identify the reasons for changes in the numbers, current distribution and interspecific relationships of ungulates in the Ussuriysky Nature Reserve. A comparison of archival materials and data from the last decade shows that changes in the abundance and distribution of most ungulate species in the reserve are inextricably linked with the increase in the number of sika deer. After the introduction of this species into the territory over 70 years, its number increased from 25 to 1180 individuals, and the population density reached an average of 30 individuals/1 thousand hectares. Over the same period, the number of red deer in the Ussuriysky Nature Reserve decreased from 450 to 130 individuals, that is, more than three times. In the Suvorovsky forestry, there is currently a decrease in the number by about half (from 250-280 to 110 individuals); in the Komarovsky forestry, the number has decreased by about 10 times (from 180-200 to 15-20 individuals). The number and distribution of roe, musk deer and wild boar in the territory did not change so obviously. The current number of roe in the reserve is 170 individuals with a population density of 4 individuals/1 thousand hectares. The number of wild boars is about 200 individuals with a population density of 4-5 individuals/1 thousand hectares. The developed and applied accounting methodology made it possible to obtain reliable data on the number and distribution of ungulates throughout the Ussuriysky Nature Reserve. There are concerns about a further increase in the number of sika deer in connection with the implementation of biotechnical measures in the reserve.