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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2024 year, number 5

Composition of fatty acids of lipids of the halophyte leaves during adaptation to saline soil using the example of plants from the Elton region

Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin RAS, Toliatti, Russia
Keywords: NaCl, halophytes, adaptation, saline soils, lipids, fatty acids


The work summarizes the results of long-term field studies of 22 species of halophytic plants in the Elton region, belonging to 4 families and 14 genera. Plants were classified according to the ecological (salt-accumulating euhalophytes, salt-secreting crinohalophytes, salt-excluding glycohalophytes) and genetic (C3-type and C4-type of photosynthesis) system. The conditions of the abiotic environment (level of salinity and soil moisture) under which various groups of halophytic plants grew are shown. The composition of fatty acids of lipids in halophyte leaves was analyzed. It is concluded that the modulation of halophyte lipids, associated with changes in fatty acids composition depending on soil salinity and moisture, is one of the mechanisms of plant salt tolerance at the cellular level of organization.