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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2024 year, number 5

Ecological-geochemical classification of the Far Eastern arboriflora

Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: arboriflora, phytogeochemistry, heavy metals, ash content in the plants, geochemical ecology of plants, Primorsky Krai


The materials and performs a systematic analysis of the elemental composition of 110 species and 28 families of plants that form tree-shrub layers of forest phytocenoses and form the structure of urban landscaping in South Primorye in the article was summarizes. A high differentiation of the species composition in the accumulative abilities to the weight of the metal, especially Zn and Mn was noted. The most stable indicator among of the species was recorded on the Cu content. The types and families of high, low and background of heavy metals content are distinguished by the basis of the author’s indicator, i. e. “the relative intensity of accumulation (RIA)” of chemical elements. The low content of heavy metals is more typical for the main arboriflora composition. At the same time, about the half of the studied species is accumulated some metals above the background (average) exponents. The maximum of metals content (for the 5 times and high more than the background exponent) was recorded in the leaves (needles) of the concentrator species: Zn - Salix udensis, Populus maximowiczii, P. nigra, P. tremula, Syringa wolfii; Mn - Salix udensis, Sorbus pochuashanensis, Picea sp.; Fe - Crataegus pinnatifida. The high heavy metals content among the families is most typical for Hydrangeaceae and Salicaceae, the low content - for Fabaceae, Pinaceae, Tiliaceae and Aceraceae, the background level - for Rosaceae. The phytogeochemical systematics of the Far East arboriflora for species and family ranks on the basis research results was developed for the first time.