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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 5S

The current state and problems of atlas mapping of the territory of Pacific Russia

Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: atlas, Far East, atlas classification, cartography, regional development, integrated works


The article is devoted to the analysis of atlas cartographic works covering the territory of Pacific Russia, conducted to assess the coverage of systematized cartographic data. An atlas is a special type of geographic data presentation, the result of thematic or complex, applied and fundamental scientific research of a certain territory or object. Out of the total number of printed publications labeled as atlases, 29 works are classified as complex geographic ones. The selected atlases were categorized by content, purpose, subject of mapping and mapping. The publications were structured according to the coverage of the territory, which made it possible to assess the provision of the region and subjects with atlases. The results of the analysis show a low level of provision of Pacific Russia as a whole and its individual territories with atlas works. It is characteristic that there are no comprehensive works for the entire region, which reflects its lack of systematized, formalized and uniform cartographic data. The implementation of territory development programs at the present stage implies the availability of a unified digital database of geographic spatial data reflecting the features of macro-regional, regional, sub-regional and local characteristics of the geographical environment. Atlases, including geoinformation atlases, are an integral part of management decision-making and elaboration of scenarios for balanced development of regions. In this aspect, the creation of modern regional complex atlases has both fundamental and applied importance, including for the successful implementation of programs of advanced socio-economic development of Siberia and the Far East of Russia. Atlas mapping has been and continues to be one of the most effective models of reality representation. Its powerful heuristic potential has already become a part of widely understood geoinformation mapping and modeling, its logical development and continuation.