Formation and use of human capital in resource regions of Siberia
V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: institutional factors, development, settlement system, labor resources, population outflow, intellectual activities
The evolution of the concept of human potential is considered - from the labor resources of the development period, attracted to perform the tasks of centralized planning for the creation of territorial-production complexes, to human capital, characterized by creative abilities of a person and acting in the conditions of market economy not only as a factor but also as a subject of economic activity, as well as the most important part of the national capital. The paper analyzes the nature of human capital accumulation in the resource regions of Siberia, the features of its development and opportunities for implementation in the conditions of the existing institutional structures of production with the predominance of large external corporations; the role of small and medium-sized businesses relying on local human resources is highlighted. The deficit of institutions contributing to the improvement of the status and income of the local population in the sectors of the economy not related to the extraction and primary processing of natural raw materials is noted. The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the need to transform the existing institutions that determine the realization of accumulated human capital in resource regions, to change approaches to the management of regional development in order to increase the desire to invest in human capital of all parties of the production process and reduce the outflow of educated and career-motivated part of the population. The main research method is a structural analysis of the regional economy and an assessment of the development of intellectual activities that are the most attractive for human capital and form the innovative potential of the territory’s development. The information basis of the study is official statistics and surveys of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation.