Priorities of the Russian-Chinese cooperation on biodiversity conservation in the transboundary geosystems of the south of the Russian Far East and Northeast China
1Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia 2Joint Directorate of Kedrovaya Pad’ State Biosphere Nature Reserve and Land of the Leopard National Park, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: species diversity, anthropogenic transformation, protected areas, ecological corridors, Amur tiger, Far Eastern leopard
A distinctive feature of the south of the Russian Far East is the presence of more than three thousand kilometers of border with China. The restriction of economic use and the control regime in the border zone allowed to preserve the “green belt” with a high level of biodiversity. The intensification of economic collaboration between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China requires considering environmental risks and finding a balance between the interests of the economy and the environment. Based on the analysis of the number of species of model groups of plants and animals, an assessment of the importance of the selected transboundary geosystems for the conservation of the region’s biodiversity is made. At the second stage, the level of anthropogenic transformation, and existing and perceived threats are taken into account. The conservation significance of these geosystems for rare species such as the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard and the availability of organizational conditions, such as the proclamation of transboundary protected areas, are also taken into consideration. According to the totality of materials, the geosystems of the Primorye-Laoyelin, Lesser Khingan, Bikin-Wandashan and Verkhneamursky transboundary provinces are selected as the priority territories within the framework of the Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of biodiversity conservation and «green» development. They support the forest corridors for migrations of terrestrial animals and mutual enrichment of the natural complexes of the two countries. The border strip along the Russian-Chinese land border from Khasan village to Turiy Rog town in the south of Primorsky Krai is of the greatest environmental significance. Due to the protection of this belt it was possible to preserve and restore the Far Eastern leopard and the Eastern Manchurian population of the Amur tiger.