Development of the academic school of thematic cartography in Siberia
V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: academic scientific school, thematic cartography, map series, atlas, laboratory of cartography, stages of development
Against the background of a brief review of periods and stages in the history of general cartography of Siberia, where, starting from the 1740s, the main role belonged to the Russian Academy of Sciences, the main stages of development of thematic cartography at the V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are highlighted and considered. It is shown that with the formation of modern academic science in the east of the country in the 1950s new conditions and prerequisites for the development of fundamental scientific directions of thematic cartography in Siberia were created and it became possible to set and solve conceptual, methodological, technological and practical problems of thematic cartography. For each of the three main stages of thematic cartography development (complex, system-problematic, and geoinformation digital) the article presents the main results of creation and publication of large cartographic works of different territorial levels: national (Russia and Mongolia), macro-regional (Siberia and the Far East), transboundary inter-regional (the Baikal region), regional (Irkutsk Oblast and other RF subjects) and municipal (Irkutsk city, etc.), in the form of series of multi-leaf wall maps, series of desktop maps of album and atlas types, and atlases of fundamental academic scientific content. The role of the laboratory of cartography, geoinformatics and remote sensing methods as well as other laboratories of the Institute in the development, creation and publication of maps and atlases is noted. The main prerequisites for the formation and development of the academic scientific school of thematic cartography are studied, namely, the presence of a team of researchers and recognized leaders, and opportunities for training of highly qualified personnel. The importance of state recognition and support of the leading academic scientific school of thematic cartography in Siberia and its role in training of highly qualified scientific personnel, creation of large academic series of maps and atlases, fundamental scientific articles and monographs, and holding regional, national and international conferences has been emphasized.