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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 4


A.N. Bragin
Institute for Water and Ecological Problems, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia
Keywords: permafrost, thermokarst lakes, zonality, permafrost degradation, cryogenic and post-cryogenic processes, geoecological conditions


A quantitative assessment is made of the density of thermokarst lakes in the same type of landscape-geomorphological conditions in the flat areas within the Lower Amur basin and adjacent areas, based on counting their number when interpreting high-resolution satellite images from ESRI ArcGis Imagery and data on the relationship between changes in the area of lakes and the nature of the distribution of permafrost. Areas of relatively cold continental conditions have been identified along the western edge of the Lower Amur Lowland, in which the latitudinal zonality of the distribution of the thermokarst process and associated landforms is clearly visible. In areas with a relatively warm climate in the area of the coasts of the Tatar Strait and Sakhalin Bay, as a result of the degradation of permafrost, post-cryogenic thermokarst lakes have become widespread. It has been established that the dynamics of cryogenic thermokarst processes in the warmest climatic conditions of the region under consideration is associated with a general tendency to increase the areas of permafrost in the direction from east to west with increasing continental climate from the coast of the Tatar Strait inland of the continent, taking into account the influence on the climate of the cold Sea of Okhotsk and natural climatic factors and natural conditions of the Bureya mountain range. A general assessment of geoecological conditions and the risk of economic development of the plain territories of the Lower Amur region is made as well as considering the prospects for the further use of plains and lowlands for their further development and construction of production and industrial infrastructure, including for connecting the road infrastructure of the settlements along the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk with large mineral deposits, both under development and promising, remote from the sea coast.