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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 4


Z.G. Mirzekhanova
Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia
Keywords: tourism, crisis, development prospects, trends, correlation of supply and demand, tourist macro-territory


The current situation with global and domestic tourism markets is summarized, reflecting the changes associated with the post-pandemic impact and geopolitical environment. The recognition of the ongoing crisis as an opportunity for reflection and the necessary revision of strategies for the development of the leisure industry in the context of prospects for increasing its sustainability is considered. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current major trends affecting the development of the tourism sector, and to identify the benchmarks in the formation of its prospects. The research methodology provides a systematic approach to consider tourism as an integral system, including numerous factors that have a direct and indirect impact on it. The research is based on the analysis of expert estimates of the formation of the tourism market under the influence of external factors in 2020-2023. In Russia, the main attention is paid to the development of domestic tourism within the framework of the national project “Tourism and Hospitality Industry”. Within its contours the state support of the industry is realized, the response to which is a steady dynamics of growth in the segment of domestic tourism. Meanwhile, there are concerns that it is not an easy task to keep this trend, its solution should be based on the analysis of the features of the established global trends, the optimal use of tourism support from the authorities, and adjustment of regional strategies. In the context of the identified global trends affecting the development of tourism, we outline the main trends in the Russian leisure market, directions in the correlation of supply and demand, and the requirements for the product, based on the analysis of the “lessons” presented by the current situation. One of the features of getting out of the current crisis is the high competition between the subjects of the Russian Federation for the consumer. The role of the Far Eastern Federal District as a strategic tourist macro-territory with active application of preferential regimes is revealed. Real examples of the region’s aspirations to expand activities in the tourism sector are shown. It is noted that the Far Eastern territories are actively positioning their tourism potential, realizing the role of the industry development in Russia’s “turn to the East”, a closer interaction with Asia-Pacific countries.