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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 5

Methane Release in Failure of Microstructural in Coal

S. A. Shepeleva1, V. V. Dyrdin1, V. S. Ludzish2, V. B. Popov2
1Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, Russia
2VostNII Science Center, Kemerovo, Russia
Keywords: Gas-dynamic events, gas emission, methane, mechanical fracture, coal seam, coal particles, finely dispersed coal dust, pore space


Gas emission during destruction of coal samples in a mill is measured experimentally. Using the Skochinsky Institute’s procedure, emmitable gas amount is calculated as function of coal particles. Coal samples for the tests were taken in an outburst-hazardous seam. It is found that the decrease in the size of coal particles to 0.1 mm increases gas emission by several times. The authors developed a model of force interaction between methane molecules in micro-porous coal structure and surface of coal macro-molecule, and a calculation procedure for gas emission in coal as function of its degree of breakdown.