Synchrotron Radiation Study of Shock-Induced Dusting
M. V. Antipov1, A. B. Georgievskaya1, V. A. Ogorodnikov1, A. L. Mikhailov1, I. A. Spirin1, D. A. Kalashnikov1, A. A. Utenkov1, I. V. Yurtov1, O. B. Sogrina1, A. V. Fedoseev1, K. A. Ten2, E. R. Pruuel2, A. O. Kashkarov2, I. A. Rubtsov2
1RFNC, All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Institute of Experimental Gas Dynamics and Explosion Physics, Sarov, Russia 2Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: shock wave, dusting, particles, flux, density, synchrotron radiation
When studying the process of shock-induced dusting, especially when particle fluxes move in a gas or are caused by several shock waves, it is necessary to obtain experimental data on the time history of density in these fluxes starting from the arrival of the shock wave at the free surface of the sample. In this work, such measurements were performed using high-speed radiography with synchrotron radiation. In the experiments, one or two successive shock waves with a pressure of ≈40 GPa arrived at the free surface of tin samples with a roughness Rz 5, 20 and 60. Shock-wave unloading occurred in vacuum or gas (air, helium, nitrogen) at initial pressures 1-8 atm. The paper presents the experimental setups and experimental data on the density dynamics in dust fluxes formed upon exposure to one and two successive shock waves after their arrival at the free surface of samples in vacuum and gas media.