Obtaining a Granulated High-Porosity Composite Material Containing Nano-Sized Particles of Transitional Metals in a Wave of Flameless Combustion of RDX
Yu. M. Mikhailov, V. S. Smirnov, L. V. Zhemchugova, V. V. Aleshin, A. V. Bakeshko
Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
Keywords: precursors, iron, cobalt, granules, flameless combustion, nano-sized particles
It is shown that the wave of flameless spotty combustion of ballasted RDX can propagate in a stable manner in a granulated initial mixture. Under certain conditions, flameless combustion of RDX-containing granulated mixtures can proceed in a vibrational or gushing mode. Based on the process of flameless RDX combustion, a method of single-stage synthesis of high-porosity granules containing nano-sized cobalt or iron particles is developed. The synthesized granulated composite material reveals a comparable catalytic activity in hydrocarbon synthesis by the Fischer-Tropsch method. This material differs from the existing analogs by the absence of pyrophoric properties.