Temperature fields in the lower troposphere over the Caucasus
V.V. Sevastyanov1, V.G. Margaryan2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia 2Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
Keywords: Caucasus, Armenia, aeroclimatology, surface temperature, troposphere, orography
The climate of mountain regions is studied much worse than of plain territories. We suggest a model of the distribution of temperature field parameters in the lower troposphere over the Caucasus, which is to enable estimating the thermal resources of mountainous regions. Based on temperature sounding data at altitudes of 1500, 3000, and 5000 m from six aerological stations located on different sides in the mountainous country and regression and statistical analysis, we retrieve the temperature fields and distribution in the lower troposphere. The monthly average characteristics of the temperatures are presented; the effect of orography on the temperature regime is studied. The use of aeroclimatic temperature indicators makes it possible to indirectly estimate the thermal resources of mountain regions from analog station data for their effective use in economic activity.